Martin Drolling (Oberhergheim, September 19, 1752 - Paris, April 16, 1817, aka Drolling the Elder) was a French painter.
He was father to Michel Martin Drolling, and to Louise-Adéone Drölling, one of the few successful female painters of the time.
Martin Drolling, a native of Oberhergheim, near Colmar, was born in 1752.
He received his first lessons in art
from an obscure painter of Schlestadt, but afterwards went to Paris and
entered the École des Beaux-Arts.

He gained momentary celebrity from his 'Interior of a Kitchen', painted in 1815, exhibited at the Salon of 1817, and now in the Louvre.
He usually painted interiors and familiar subjects of general interest.
His works were popular during his lifetime, and many were engraved and lithographed.
He died in Paris in 1817.
The Louvre has paintings a 'Woman at a window' and a 'Violin-Player' by Drolling. | Source: © Wikipedia

Martin Drolling (1752-1817, alias Drolling the Elder) è stato un pittore Francese.
Era il padre di Michel Martin Drolling e di Louise-Adéone Drölling, una delle poche pittrici di successo dell'epoca.
Martin Drolling, originario di Oberhergheim, vicino a Colmar, nacque nel 1752.
Ricevette le prime lezioni d'arte da
un oscuro pittore di Schlestadt, ma in seguito si recò a Parigi ed entrò
all'École des Beaux-Arts.
Ha guadagnato una celebrità momentanea dal suo "Interno di una cucina", dipinto nel 1815, esposto al Salon del 1817 ed ora al Louvre.

Solitamente dipingeva interni e soggetti familiari di interesse generale.
Le sue opere furono popolari durante la sua vita e molte furono incise e litografate.
Morì a Parigi nel 1817.
Il Louvre ha dipinti una "Donna alla finestra" e un "suonatore di violino" di Drolling. | Fonte: © British Wikipedia

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