William Affleck (1869-1943) was a London painter of landscapes and rustic scenes, especially old cottages.
He was born at Rochdale in Lancashire and studied at Heatherley's and the Lambeth School of Art.
Affleck exhibited at the Royal Academy between 1891-1915, and also at Suffolk Street, the New Watercolour Society and elsewhere.
He was also a member of the London Sketch Club.

William Affleck (1869-1943) è stato un pittore Britannico di paesaggi e scene rustiche, in particolare vecchie case.
Nacque a Rochdale nel Lancashire e studiò alla Heatherley's ed alla Lambeth School of Art.
William Affleck espose alla Royal Academy tra il 1891-1915, ed anche a Suffolk Street, alla New Watercolor Society ed altrove.
Era anche membro del London Sketch Club.

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