The year that was....
equity markets surprised us with their resilience in 2020, not just
weathering a pandemic for the ages, but prospering in its midst, US
equity markets, in particular, managed to find light even in the darkest
news stories, and continued their rise through 2021. Foreign markets,
though, had a mixed year, and that divergence is worth noting, since it
may provide clues to what may be coming in the next year.
US Equities, in the aggregate
equities had a good year, by any measure, with the S&P 500 rising
from 3756 at the start of 2021 to end the year at 4766, an increase of
26.90%. While that followed another good year for stocks in 2020, with
the index rising 16.25%, from 3231 to 3756, the index took different
pathways during the two years:
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In sum, if you have money to invest over the last decade, and you stayed invested, you should count yourself as lucky to have enjoyed one of the great market runs of the last century. Conversely, if you stayed out of the market, for the last decade, you would have committed one of the great investing mistakes of all time, and blaming the Fed or bubble-talk will not bring you absolution.
US Equities, by sub-group
It has always true that when markets move, up or down, not all sectors and sub-groups are treated equally. I do believe that too much is often made of these differences, as it is generally more the rule than the exception that markets, when they are up strongly, get the bulk of that rise from a small sub-set of stocks or sectors. Using S&P's sector classification, I take a look at how each one did in 2022, looking at the percent changes in market capitalization:
In contrast to 2020, when technology and consumer discretionary firms ran well ahead of the pack, the best performing sectors in 2021 were energy and real estate, two of the biggest laggards in 2020. That can be viewed as vindication, at least in this year, for contrarians, but as a cautionary note for ESG advocates, who assumed that fossil fuel companies were on a death march, based upon their performance over the last decade.
There is no debate more likely to draw heat than the value versus growth debate, and at the risk of being labeled simplistic by value investors, I looked at returns on companies, in 2021, based upon their PE ratios at the start of 2021:
For the rest of the world
While US equities continued to set new highs in 2021, the picture in the rest of the world was not as rosy, as you can see in the table below (with percent returns in US dollar terms):
The Price of Risk in Equity Markets
allure of having the historical data that we do in financial markets,
especially in the United States, is that there is information in the
past. The danger of poring over this historical data is that a focus on
the past can blind us to structural changes in markets that can make the
future very different from the past. To get a measure of what equity
markets are offering in terms of expected returns, we are better served
with a forward-looking and dynamic measure of these returns, and that is
the focus of this section.
Implied Equity Risk Premiums
To understand the intuition behind the implied equity risk premium, it is easiest to start with the concept of a yield to maturity on a bond, computed as the discount rate that makes the present value of the cash flows on the bond (coupons, during the bond's lifetime, and face value, at maturity) equal to the price of the bond. With equities, the cash flows take the form of dividends and buybacks, and in addition to estimating them using future growth rates, you have to assume that they continue in perpetuity. In computing this implied equity risk premium for the S&P 500, I start with the dividends and buybacks on the stocks in the index in the most recent year (which is known) and assume that they grow at the rate that analysts who follow the index are projecting for the next five years. Beyond the fifth year, I make the simplifying assumption that earnings growth will converge on the nominal growth rate of the economy, which I set equal to the risk free rate.
The Implied ERP - Start of 2022
I have computed the implied equity risk premium at the start of every month, since September 2008, and during crisis periods, I compute it every day. Over the course of 2021, as the index rose, risk free rates climbed and analysts got much more upbeat about expected earnings for the next three years, the equity risk premium drifted down, to end the year at 4.24%:
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Much as I would love to claim that I have the estimated the equity risk premium to the second decimal point, the truth is that there is some give in these numbers and that changing assumptions about earnings and cash flows generates an equity risk premium between 4-5%. The contrast between the behavior f equity risk premiums in 2020 and 2021 are in the picture below, where I show my (daily) estimates of ERP during 2020 on the left, and my (monthly) estimates of ERP for 2021 on the right.
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During 2020, the equity risk started the year at about 4.7%, spiraled to almost 8% on March 23, 2020, before reverting back quickly to pre-crisis levels by September 2020. During 2021, you saw equity risk premiums revert back to a more sedate path, with numbers staying between 4% and 5% through the course of the entire year.
Historical Perspective
talk of a bubble fills the air, one way to reframe the question of
whether stocks are in bubble territory is to ask whether the current
implied equity risk premium has become “too low”. If your answer is yes,
you are arguing that stocks are over priced, and if the answer is no,
that they are under priced. At least on the surface, the current level
of the equity risk premium is not flashing red lights, since at 4.24%,
it is running slightly above the long term averages of 4.21% (1960 -
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A Market Assessment
If you look at history, it seems difficult to argue against the notion
that market timing is the impossible dream, but that has never stopped
investors from trying to time markets, partly because the payoff from
being right is immense. I have long claimed that I am not a market
timer, but that is a lie, since every investor times markets, with the
difference being in whether the timing is implicit (with cash holdings
in your portfolio increasing, when you feel uneasy about markets, and
decreasing, when you feel bullish) or explicit (where you actively bet
on market direction). Rather than just give you just my estimate of
whether I think the market is under or over valued, I will ask each of
you to make your own judgments, while also offering my own.
The process of valuing the index starts with an assessment of
expected earnings, and with the S&P 500, there is no shortage of
either historical data or assessments of the future, on this dimension.
Let's start with a look at S&P earnings over time:
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While COVID wreaked havoc with corporate earnings in 2020, the comeback in earnings in 2021 has been remarkable, with trailing 12-month earnings (October 2020 - September 2021) at 190.34, and estimated earnings for 2021 of 206.38, both significantly higher than the 162.35 that was earned in 2019 (pre-COVID). At the end of 2021, analyst estimates for earnings in 2022 and 2023 reflect their views that the earnings recovery will continue:
Investors don't get value from earnings directly, but do get value from the cash flows flowing from those earnings. As I have noted in prior posts, these cash flows, which used to entirely take the form of dividends, have increasingly shifted, over the last three decades, to stock buybacks.
On the risk free rate, I start with 1.51%, the 10-year treasury bond rate on January 1, 2022, but I will assume that this rate will drift upwards over the next five years to reach 2.5%. That reflects my view that inflation pressures will push up long term rates in the year to come and has little to do with what the Fed may or may not do with the Fed funds rate. Finally, I build in the expectation that a fair ERP for the S&P 500 should be 5%, higher than the long term historical average of 4.21%, but closer to the average ERP since 2008. On both these macro assumptions, I encourage you to take your own point of view. With these assumptions in place, my valuation for the S&P 500, as of January 1, 2022, is shown below:
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Note that even in the two weeks since I did this valuation, there have been material changes in key inputs, with the treasury bond rate rising to 1.87% on January 19, 2022, and the S&P dropping to 4533, down 3.8% from its level at the start of the year.
In Conclusion
with any valuation, I don't believe that I should try to convince you
that my valuation is the right one, nor do I have no desire to do so. In
fact, I know that my valuation is wrong, with the question being in
what direction, and by how much. I would
strongly encourage you to take my valuation spreadsheet, change the
numbers that I have used on earnings, cash flows, the risk free rate and
the equity risk premium to reflect your views, and come up with your
own assessment of value. Good investing requires taking ownership of
your investment decisions, and trusting this choice to talking heads on
TV, market strategists at investment banks or those market gurus who
looked good last year is a dereliction of investment duty.
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